I gave up… for a little while

I feel like I need to pop in here towards the end of the week and sit down and chat with you guys. It has been ages since I’ve done a post like this and told you what’s going on in my life at the moment. Today feels like Wednesday. I think it’s because we had a professional development day at work on Monday and we didn’t have to officially work.

Girls weekend in BuffaloI still haven’t managed to publish my girls weekend post yet. It was a memorable weekend and even weeks after we went, I still find myself laughing in my office all by myself about what went down those few nights in Buffalo.

Each Monday I used to post my workout routine from the previous week. To be completely honest I’ve fallen off the fitness wagon and haven’t been to CrossFit on a regular basis. But what I have been doing is going out for very light runs around my neighbourhood with my new wave riders sent to me from Mizuno.mizuno running shoes

I gave up running for a little while but I think it was because I dislike timing myself on runs. I tend to want to be self-competitive and beat my time each time I go out for a run. I need to learn to chill the heck out and just enjoy being out there in the freezing cold. Actually, it’s not that bad since I don’t run far (no more than 6km). I always thought I’d be a fair weather runner, and last year around this time I started running again with a coach up until January … with snow on the ground and running through snow storms each Sunday! It was amazing.

snow jogSee the snow?!

Do you know what someone needs to invent? A wireless wifi ipod. Or something like that. Wifi needs to be everywhere so I can listen to audiobox live (house music internet radio station based out of Montreal) on my ipod. That would be great. Thanks. Any inventors reading my blog? I’d totally buy that.

The Boyfriend and I went to see the 3D movie Gravity on Tuesday night. CHEAP NIGHT. Only time to go. I’ve heard a lot of iffy things about that movie. It made some people nauseous and others have a anxiety. I try to not to have any preconceived notions about movies before I go in. I’m not going to ruin anything for you, but I did really enjoy it and my finger nails are all bit off. That’s the sign of a good movie.

Let’s be real. I just go to the movies to have a popcorn. I really could care less of what movie I see as long as I can eat the delicious popcorn. Ha ha! When I was home in Newfoundland I saw the movie “Meet The Millers” which I thought was pretty funny. Has anyone seen that?

I have to update my wordpress. It’s making me. But I first need to back up my website in case anything goes wrong. Does anyone know how to do that? Please help me in the comments if you know how! I haven’t done it in a number of years.

Okay back to fitness. I’ve also been volunteering at the climbing gym a lot more often so I can get another free month membership. They’ve expanded the place and now it’s massive and so fun. That and they have a weight room in there with a TREADMILL. The only reason I don’t have a gym membership is because I love CrossFit too much. But CrossFit needs to have a treadmill. I need to get The Guy climbing again. I think he went with me once. When we weren’t even dating. 8 years ago. Maybe I made that up and he’s never been climbing with me. Either way, he needs to get on them walls. You don’t even need a belayer (someone to hold your rope) anymore guys. There’s a few auto-belay things set up on some of the walls there. It’s unreal. I’m half afraid of them.

I went on a shopping trip to Sephora when they had the VIB sale (which ends/ended today). I made two purchases, in store and online so once my online order comes in I’ll show you what I bought. Alfie seems to like Sephora too ;)good boy

Until next time folks. But I will leave you with this: How To Be A Nice Blogger by my buddy Julie! julie-nowell-and-i

What’s new with you?

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It’s like I’ve told them I don’t brush my teeth

I don’t think I’ve ever blogged about this, if I have I don’t remember. For the past 5+ years we haven’t had cable tv. Or any TV channels for that matter ever since they got rid of folks being able to use bunny ears to tune into two measly channels.

I haven’t missed it to be honest, I only kept the TV on for background noise, and now if I want the house to be a little less dead, we play music. (Audioboxlive.com plug! Great if you love house music…).

Sometimes not having cable doesn’t allow me to chat with others, talking about the new shows that just came out, or the crazy scenes happening on The Bachelor.

But you wouldn’t believe the reactions I get when I tell people I haven’t seen the newest show of whatever it was they were talking about. My easiest excuse is just telling the world we don’t have a tv. It’s like I’ve told them I don’t brush my teeth. The horrific gasps, and death glares I get from people are just hilarious. Quite honestly they ask me with a serious face, “well what do you do in the evenings then?!”

But the fact of the matter is, we have a “movie room” (we converted the dining room), a small old school TV, and then a massive 55″ flat screen in the bedroom*! TV just doesn’t interest us. The internet sucks us in, as does keeping fit and having a busy workout schedule. Not sitting down in the evenings and watching TV. Though sometimes I really miss doing that. While I was home in Newfoundland during Christmas, you couldn’t get me off the couch from all the TV watching I was doing. I was glued to it, and basically addicted. It was nice to play catch-up on the channels I’ve always loved: HGTV, Food Network and all those interior decorating shows.

It’s not that we’re completely out of the loop with TV now days, we have a subscription to Netflix, which we watch quite often. Dexter is my favorite TV show at the moment. We haven’t started on the 4th season just yet. Almost there.

What are your favorite television shows at the moment?

At home, do you spend more time on the internet, or watching TV?

*The 55″ flat screen is what we watch our Netflix on, and most of the time the Boyf uses it for his indoor cycling training.

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