Not quite there yet

Okay, so the RSS feed isn’t working entirely. If you subscribed to my site via RSS (in whole the six hours its been working), you’ll notice that it only shows the topic of my posts, and not the full blog post itself. Which is annoying in itself, as the whole purpose of having an RSS feed set up, is to read it through google reader or whatever else that you use.

So, for now it’ll just be titles (I suppose I should be coming up with much more catchy topics, to lure people in to click the title of the post to get re-directed again to my site.

Back-end work is frustrating, isn’t it? I actually wouldn’t know. I’m not the one doing it haha…

Oh. My rice crispy squares came out good.  I let them sit for two hours & then I cut them before I went to work. I hope they harden up around lunch time. I want to EEEEAT.

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You think with all the posting that I do about the Lowest Price Progressive Glasses, that I actually own a pair myself, or have a prescription. No, no that’s not the case. I just love eyeglasses to be honest. I love helping people pick out glasses to suit their faces. Even though I’ve only done it twice — once when my Mom had to get her first set of glasses, and the other time with a friend of mine.

In fact, since I’ve been talking about eye glasses and getting good deals on them, I thought that I should probably make my own appointment to have my eyes checked. I don’t even remember the last time I had my eyes looked at. It has definitely been past the two year mark. I ended up going in on Thursday morning (8:30 appointment), and had them do some tests on me, and of course my eyes are still “better than 20/20”. Which is fine! It’s odd considering my brother, mother and father each need glasses. I guess it’s all those carrots I eat ;)

78612752This is a shot I took while in the waiting room. Sneaky sneaky!


The BF needs a new set of frames soon, maybe I should tell him about Eric’s Review of Zenni Optical since they’re The #1 online Rx glasses store, right? I have already picked out a few that I know would definitely suit him, since his frames are almost like the ones listed above. Don’t want to go too drastic ;)

Want more information? Check out this Zenni review too.

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You are beautiful

you-are-beautiful-pencil-1_fullI have no shame. I’d buy these pencils just for myself. I am Beautiful. It reminds me of something that Caitlin would have in her home, for Operation Beautiful. They’re only a dollar, but I’m not sure if that’s per pencil or per package. I love crisp and fresh things like that. If I had my own self-healing store whether or not it was online or free standing, I think I could definitely have a franchise affiliate program set up with these pencils. Clearly I really really like them!

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