My CrossFit Journal (week 14)


Week 14 Day 1.

5 rounds

15 SDLHP (95/65) – 50 for me
10 Supines
200m Run

Finished in 16:38

I haven’t kept track of what weights I used during SDLHP’s (Looking back from the older entries, I did them in week 7 and week 2). So I had to try and remember what I was capable of lifting for them. I ended up using 50lbs in total. I thought I was doing them correctly but I was dropping my shoulders and just pulling up the weight that way. Needed to remember to pinch my shoulder blades, it was a difficult move and I’m not sure how to piece it together just yet.

I also got the biggest compliment from my trainer that day. He saw me running on my 5 rounds of 200m runs and he said I have a really great stride and my core looked tight and I should honestly take up running. It’s all mental for me, everything is — my breathing gets out of control and I can’t stop it.So I “panic” when I get to 5 or 7k and I feel like I can’t go any further, and when I do my breathing goes wild.


Week 14 Day 2.

1 Rep Max

What teh backsquat look slike:


Week 14 Day 3.

21-15-9 reps for time of:

Deadlift; 315/205lb
Box jump; 30/24″

What the WOD looks like:


24″ Box jumps:

My time: 9:48

For the deadlifts we had to lift 75% of our max. I thought my max was 115bs so he put me at 105. At the end of the workout I told him I could’ve easily lifted more. I think my max rep definitely went much higher! Getting stronger!!


[ older CrossFit journal entries ]

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