Happy with my new Amazon purchase!

Ok not really MY Amazon purchase. I sent the link to my husband Scott and said I wanted one of these for ages and saw how great they were and to get it for me for Christmas. He told me he ordered it and to just open it now. Ever hear of it? It’s literally just a fancy shop vac in a smaller form, but man it’s satisfying to watch the dirt get sucked up into the hoses.

Totally wish I took before/after photos. I have this grey armchair that had stains on the armrests of it and the little green machine got it completely out. I also worked on an old pure black coffee stains on the rug from when I was GOING to surprise Scott with some McDonald’s coffee but my youngest had other intentions and dropped the damn coffee on the rug – about a year or so ago..I cleaned it up immediately but there was still a slight hue of coffee on it. All gone. Nuts. Even works on old stains.

I’m already looking forward to cleaning car seats and stroller seats with it next. But what else can I clean!!!? I was literally walking around the house looking for more stains to get out, haha! Have you used one of these before? Super easy to use/put together out of the box and clean once done using for the day. Now to Google which cleaner to use once the sample is all used up… suggestions?

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