Pom Friday . 16

When we brought Alfie into our lives over 5 years ago, we were told he was crated at night. We decided it was a great idea for him to sleep in his own little home each night, and kept up the routine ever since. That doesn’t mean to say he doesn’t get to spend time up on the people bed, because oh does he ever. I usually head to bed earlier than The Guy, especially if he’s on his indoor bike trainer in the next room. As much as Alfie loves joining me at night, he doesn’t like to cuddle at all. He usually takes over my husbands pillow and snuggles up on the opposite side of me, or at the foot of the bed.

When it’s time for him to be put into his crate for the night he acts like a dead weight, which is adorable to watch. We’d let him stay up on the bed some nights, but I’ve been known to boot him off in my sleep during the night. So, we keep him crated and give him little luxuries with a little water dish inside in case he ever gets thirsty in the middle of the night — which he does! The water dish usually has to be filled up every night for him. When my Husband and I are on the top floor where the bedrooms are, chatting or getting ready for bed— Alfie is often times found in his crate sucking on his bed because he is getting ‘ignored’, and wants attention. He is too cute for WORDS sometimes.

It’s a great idea especially if he ever has to do an overnight visit in an unfamiliar place, the crate gives him comforts of home, his own little space. Here’s the little guys crate at the foot of our bed. Usually it’s stored on my husbands side of the bed— but we are currently re-doing our master bedroom (reveal coming soon!).






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  1. I think I’ve said this a million times but Alfie is such a cutie! I’ve fostered dogs for about two years now and about 90% of my fosters have been crated at night <3

  2. What an adorable little Pom! My dogs, when they were not over the rainbow, all slept on my bed. I can’t imagine even trying to get any of them into a crate-they would have figured out how to escape and then I would have been in trouble. Better to let them sleep with me–peacefully through the night!~ My cat also sometimes sleeps on my bed now when she is in the mood!
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  3. I am a fan of crate training. I think it is nice that our pets have their own little area to retreat to. Our maltese loves his crate. He literally goes in at random times and uses his paw to pull the gate closed. It is the funniest thing. He is free to come and go as he pleases and because he is small, we can take the crate with us in our travels. Definitely works well in our household.
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  4. aww what a cutie!! :D my dog never got crate trained so it was extremely difficult transporting him places.. and then he just became an outside dog and there’s a separate part of the house for him at my parents once my grandma got Alzheimer’s (she would constantly be opening the door and let him out or feed him chicken bones.. -_-).
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  5. First of all, such a cute dog! My sister just got a puppy, and they’re debating whether to crate him. I’m sending this over, what great info that he seems happiest in his crate at night!

  6. Aww little Alfie. He looks so cute in his crate! Buffy LOVES her crate but for the first few months we had her she would whimper in the morning to be let you. Now she’ll sleep in there all day :) Also, I laughed out loud when I read that you have been known to boot him out of bed accidentally!

  7. He is the cutest thing. We used to have a pomeranian but she loves to run away so we gave her up to a new family. Now we have a Jack Russel Terrier and a Doberman Pinscher mixed with another breed. The two goes to their crate every night as well, we trained them that way.
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  8. Alfie is such a wonderful and easy to tame Pomeranian! We do not have a dog…we have two adorable cats actually. They try to share all the members of the household by sleeping a few hours on each of our beds throughout the night. I find it endearing, actually :)
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