Wordless Wednesday: week in photos

Wordless Wednesdays are so fun! Share your link below, if you ended up doing one as well.

  1. Playing with my iPad while in Newfoundland
  2. This iPad iphoto picture cracks me right up
  3. I didn’t feel like cooking: Banana, 2 boiled eggs, 1 cucumber, 6 cherry tomatoes, carrots, cheese, crackers, pine nuts and pickles. Eaten with my Menchies FroYo spoon. Yum
  4. Went for a 6km run. Thumbs up for inhalers!
  5. Waiting on the boyf as I pick him up from work
  6. McDonalds iced coffee. Derrricious
  7. The boyf and I at BestBuy
  8. Elevator mirror shot :)

We’ve been experiencing a heat wave here in Southern Ontario. While I do enjoy the heat and humidity, I sort of wish I had some kind of pool or sprinkler system (like the sprinkler systems houston) to cool down after I get out of work. I’m sweltering!

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