My CrossFit Journal (week 10)


Week 10 Day 1.

20 Seconds of Work, 10 Seconds of Rest
8 Rounds of Pull ups
8 Rounds of Push ups
8 Rounds of Sit ups
8 Rounds of Squats

I LOVE these type of workouts, because you get a ten second break in between to recoup yourself. I ended up doing:

50 pull ups in the 8 rounds
60 push ups (both on knees, on toes, and on laces) in the full 8 rounds
67 sit ups which I nearly DIED at. These are my weak point. I want to stop all the time lol.
106 squats. I kept pumping them out fast! I surprised myself.

By the end of the 32 total rounds I felt sick to my stomach. Nuts!


Week 10 Day 2.

6 Dead Lift (275/195) I was at 135lbs but he put me down to 120. LAME.
12 Burpee (over bar)
18 Double Unders or 100m run (I ran, since I find it IMPOSSIBLE to do even 1 double under).

I ended up doing 6 rounds plus 3 dead  lifts. This workout had me shaking at the end of it. I had to sit down and I literally chugged my whole entire water bottle. Sweating like a goon. Oh, and  the warm up was pretty tough too!

5 strict pull  ups
5 kips
5 chest to bar
10 dips
10 reverse muscle up orrrr dips
15 hollow holds
15 supermans
15 v situps


Week 10 Day 3.

3 Thrusters; 100/65lbs
3 Chest 2 Bar
6 Thrusters
6 Chest 2 Bar
9 Thrusters
9 Chest 2 Bar
12 Thrusters
12 Chest 2 Bar
15 Thrusters
15 Chest 2 Bar
18 Thrusters
18 Chest 2 Bar
21 Thrusters
21 Chest 2 Bar
24 Thrusters
24 Chest 2 Bar

Holy big fat F!

It was basically how many rounds you could do in 7 minutes. I managed to get 12 thrusters, and 12 chest to bar’s in, in the 7 minutes. Success!

The warmup was pretty crazy too. I’ll just post a picture of it, and since this post is long enough already I won’t post a photo of what each thing meant. I’m sure you could google “CrossFit Turkish Get Up” if you wanted to really know what it was. lol


It seems lately I can only make it to the CrossFit classes 3x a week. There aren’t any classes I can attend on Friday evening’s since the last one starts when I get off work, and it’s a half hour away. Plus, there aren’t any classes on Sundays. I love sleeping in a wee bit on Saturdays and then waking up earlier on Sunday’s. But I should really do it the other way around seeing as there are Saturday morning classes. But after a work week, you usually don’t want to do that.

Hope you all had a great workout week! :) Have you tried CrossFit? (Didn’t you know it’s a great alternative to even the best multivitamin for men!)

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