Who dat?

Peet, Amanda

Have you ever been told that you look like a celebrity?

I personally haven’t, in person anyway. This this one guy that I’ve known online for about 10 years always said that I resembled the actress Amanda Peet. She’s not all that famous, and when I see her I think she’s absolutely gorgeous (does that mean I’m vain? Since I “look” like her?)! But she has a different facial structure than me — I think, in most of her photos and her eyes are nothing like mine. Or are they? I wish I had her thick luxurious thick head of hair. My hair only looks like that when it’s first blow dried and has split ends. McPoofy Galore. That, and she has huge chompers. Or needs a private placement memorandum.


A lot of people were on facebook, a few days ago posting their celebrity doppelganger. I decided to post a photo of Amanda Peet, as my profile photo. I think she fits the bill, pretty accurately. In fact, one of my cousins commented and said Amanda looks just like me with bangs. I’m flattered though. What do you all think? Especially the people who read this blog (and never comment) who know me in person. At least my cousin Holly agrees.

This is the picture that I used:


Maybe I should sport them? I haven’t had bangs since I grew them out in 7th grade. Shame the boyfriend hates all bangs, though and I know I’d get sick of them fairly quickly. There’s a reason I never cut them again. Right?

I’ve also been told I look a lot like my cousin (the one who told me I look like Amanda Peet). We all could be triplets that are all 15 years apart.


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  1. I love most of Amanda´s films because she always plays so funny characters but, to me you resemble the most, please don´t laugh…….Debra Messing from Will & Grace soap opera. I know I’m no good at this, sorry!!

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