“That’s a fine bit of bling missus!”

I gots a new watch!

watch-smallThat’s a fine bit of bling missus!!!!” Was the one and only sentence my Mom wrote back to me, after I sent her a picture of my watch. Hilarious, right? Thanks to Erin, I got it for  much cheaper than what I saw in the stores in Toronto! I’m going to definitely remove some of the links for my slim wrists — but I’m in lurrrve. Isn’t it a beaut?

I ended up going to the post office right after my “Boot Camp” workout last night. It had snowed some time while I was at work, and I walked out of the gym at 6:30 — and the traffic was absurd! I had to wait 3 or 4 stop lights just to make a left turn off my work’s street which isn’t normally busy. Ugh! I had to pick up my Boyfriend at his work, and we really should have just went home because I knew it would take forever to drive a kilometer to the post office. What should have been a 25 minute ordeal ended up taking a good hour and ten minutes. Needless to say, a quick supper was prepared. Elbow noodles, pasta sauce and cheese. My body hates me. Right after a good workout too. Oh well! You win some you lose some.

Post office news, let’s get to it. Apparently since they noticed I successfully picked up 4 different packages within the last month or so, they assumed that it was just a tangled mess in the system, where they send out “FINAL NOTICES” before the package gets picked up. I’m not one to wait around for the weekend (okay except that last time) to pick up my package. I’m usually there waiting for it the next business day at “13:00” when it’s scheduled to be there. Anyway. I have no idea what happened and I’m just going to let it slide. It wasn’t anything I ordered because if so, it would have been sent to my work because … I predict these type of hassles!

Alright folks. I’m working at the other branch today, and going to give my boss her Christmas present today. Yay!

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  1. Hahaha maybe my mom knows what the word “bling” means but I can never imagine her using it. Your mom is pretty cool. And so is your bling!

  2. Gorgeous watch! It looks a lot like my ‘special occasion’ watch, which I need to replace the batteries in (you’ve reminded me). There’s nothing like getting a good deal too.

    I hope your boss likes her Xmas pressie!

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