What we’ve been eating

I haven’t done on of these in what seems like months. I get in these organizational fits which, don’t get me wrong… are good things. After our trip to BC and Alberta we were mesmerized and didn’t want to spend any more money. We went a bit crazy with the spending and not looking for the cheapest hotels and just eating out. I was all for it, because we saved up for this trip well in advance. It was our first vacation together as a couple, so after four years of just going back home to Newfoundland together — we went all out.

Last weekend I decided on making just one weekly trip to the grocery store, have left overs for lunch at work the next day and cook every night. It’s been working out so well, that we’re a bit slow on the left overs. Today, my boyfriend has two lunches. The other night I made Macaroni and Cheese  and we had enough left overs to have it last night and for my Boyfriend for lunch today!

What has been on the more–than–weekly menu these past few days? Sounds quite deee–lish on the palette doesn’t it?

SATURDAY:  Roasted chicken with mashed potatoes and broccoli
SUNDAY:  Tangy Thai stir fry (Used Renee’s Tangy Thai sauce) | Broccoli |  Carrots | Canned sliced mushrooms | Served on a bed of basmati rice
MONDAY: Chicken pad thai with red pepper and plum tomatoes
TUESDAY: Home made ooey gooey macaroni and cheese (Coming soon to the recipe section!)
WEDNESDAY: Stuffed Chicken. Ended up microwaving the macaroni and cheese. There was 3 meals left over, so BF took it to lunch.
Rotini + Italian sausage pasta dish.
Pork tenderloin with roasted potatoes and carrots.
SATURDAY: Farmers market salmon + asparagus + basmati rice
Chicken penne alla vodka (I’ll be cheating and using Classico’s Vodka sauce).

I went shopping a couple of times this week so I’ll be putting together a post about that in the next few days. My J.Crew sweater came in and it fits nice and good, but I like sweaters almost snug fitting so I think I could have went with an XS after all.

Okay! Yay! Have a great day guys!

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